Some major causes of the bloated stomach

Everyone wants to know the reason of the bloated stomach and how to get rid of this problem quickly. There are a number of the causes of this problem; most of them are related to our drinking and eating. Most of the people think that this problem is due to the fluid retention. The excess use of the fluid can build the spaces between cells. There is a chance to get fluid build up during the week prior to menstruation. The imbalance occurs in the body can also cause this problem.

: Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the causes of the bloated stomach. Stress can also cause the bloating problem. Under severe stress brain tend to release the different hormones, which do some bad effects on our digestive system. This stressful condition effect doesn’t affect the different people in the same way, one kind of people doesn’t like to eat even a single piece of bread, and on the other hand you can't stop the other people to eat in these conditions. It is true that the stress can bring the digestive disorders like ramps, heartburn, diarrhea and also bloating.
Beans are well-known for producing the extra gas in the stomach, the sudden increase in the fiber food can result in the same problem. You should know the fiber contents of the diet you are taking; it will help you to create a good diet plan. We should look the amount of the salt we are taking daily; excessive use of sodium can also cause digestive problems. Don’t eat too much processed food, as these are famous for giving the stomach a hard time.
The most common cause of the bloating is the food intolerance; there are many types of the food that we use in our daily routine which cause the excess gas like onions, broccoli, beans and the cabbage. You should well aware of the facts that there are many other foods or the additives which can cause the serious blotting problem .People don't take care of these foods while eating. The researches show that in certain people the use of the yeast or the yeast extract can cause the digestive problems. Overuse of antibiotics can kill the friendly bacteria in the gut. These conditions are very favorable to the growth of the Candida yeast, this will cause the stomach related problems. The friendly bacteria known as the gut flora works to stimulate the whole of the digestive system and keep the gut cells in good condition.
Don’t ever forget that the healthy food can also cause stomach problems, like cereals, pulses and the beans. These foods have he tendency to get fermented in the gut. To avoid this problem the people who are sensitive to the yeast show introduced the low yeast foods in their diet plan; it can reduce the bloating of the stomach dramatically. Bloated stomach can be uncomfortable, worst and extremely distressing. There are many remedies available to get rid of this problem; you just need to change your diet plan and your lifestyle.

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